Monday, 24 March 2008

All about who we are

Remember the headlines in the newspapers about unqualified staff running nurseries? Well that's not a problem at Building Blocks!

Government research had found that just one in ten staff at private nurseries has a degree, although children do far better at nurseries with graduate staff. At Building Blocks, one in three of our staff has a degree, and two-thirds of our staff are trained to at least NVQ Level 3 in childcare.


Centre Manager
Helen Bishop

Nursery Manager
Samantha Withill

Nursery Nurses
Shamila Batool
Kerry Hedley
Sharon Johnson
Caroline Thompson

Nursery Assistants
Adele Feather
Maneer Farouq
Joanna Hedley
Nadia Kosar

All our staff in the nursery and playgroup actively promote equality of opportunity for all children. This is emphasised effectively through a range of resources and equipment. Everyone has undergone CRB checks for their suitability to work with children and the majority are qualified to a high standard in Childcare and in First Aid. All staff recognise the individual needs of children and work in partnership with parents to encourage children to reach their full potential, through a variety of play and learning activities. Staff are well organised, implementing good routines to ensure that children are settled and secure.

Building Blocks is a trading name of 'Faith Together in Leeds 11', a charity which has as one of its objects the provision of high quality childcare. We are Charity Number 1081006. We are also a not-for-profit Company registered in England and Wales, Number 3890863. Our registered office is: The Building Blocks Centre, Maud Avenue. Leeds, LS11 7DD. The charity was established in June 2000 and the Centre opened to the public in September 2003. Before that we were based at Trinity Methodist Church on Tempest Road.

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