Tuesday, 20 May 2008


Temporary Staff Vacancies

Nursery Assistants (Level 2 NVQ or equivalent)

NJC Point 9 (£ 13,062 pro rata )

Two Temporary Appointments to Cover Maternity Leave

Expected duration 9 months but subject to 8 weeks’ notice should current post-holders wish to return early.

Two members of staff are required to assist other childcare professionals in the day-to-day care of children under five years old at the Building Blocks Nursery, Maud Avenue, Beeston, LS11 7DD.

Post one available in the Baby Room (under twos) from June 29th 2009 to April 9th 2010. Hours – 25 per week

Post two available in the Toddler Room (over twos) from July 20th 2009 to April 29th 2010. Hours – 25 per week

Application Packs are available from Mrs Helen Bishop at the above address or telephone on 0113 270 8088.

Applications to be submitted to Helen by 5pm on Monday June 15th

Shortlisting will take place on Tuesday June 16th 2009.

Interviews will take place on the morning of Tuesday June 23rd 2009.

Monday, 24 March 2008

What OFSTED say about us

This is what OFSTED said about us when we were last inspected in June 2006. Since then they have given us permisson to expand the nursery.

Some of the highlights of our last OFSTED report...

- Children are confident and happy in their environment.

- They are well mannered and are consistently praised during their time at nursery.

- Children are protected and their well being is enhanced.

- Younger children benefit from routines which are consistent with their experiences at home promoting their feelings of security and ensuring continuity of care.

- The staff are interested in the children and value what they say and do, they respond enthusiastically giving praise and encouragement.

And this is the rest of the OFSTED report...

Helping children to be healthy
The provision is satisfactory. Children are cared for in a clean and well maintained environment, where most procedures and practices ensure that children's physical, nutritional and health needs are addressed. Menus are displayed to inform parents of what snacks and meals children are to receive on a weekly basis. The staff provide adequate support and guidance to ensure that children develop a good understanding of hygiene, such as encouraging them to wash their hands after visiting the toilet and before eating. Children have daily opportunities for fresh air, as they freely access the outdoor play area and use a range of sit and ride toys. Children show awareness of space themselves as they enjoy music and movement sessions dancing to music using hoops. However, larger apparatus is very limited.Some of the staff hold a current first aid certificate and there is a fully stocked first aid kit available. Written policies regarding sickness, accidents and administration of medicines are in place and initially shared with all parents. The nursery medication policy states prior written permission is received from parents before administering any medication. However, this procedure is not being carried out, which means that children's health and safety is compromised in the event of medication being given. This is a breach of the National Standards.

Protecting children from harm or neglect and helping them stay safe
The provision is satisfactory. Children are cared for in a warm and welcoming environment, which is well maintained. The nursery room and resources are well organised, which enables children to move around freely and safely. They have access to a suitable range of well maintained toys and play equipment, which meet the needs of all the children attending. For example, the baby area is welcoming and comfortable with appropriate equipment, such as baby gyms, colourful push and pull toys, musical toys and they also have access to sand and water play when being used by the older children. Children benefit from a satisfactory range of safety measures, for example, through the use of colour coded locked gates and a secure outdoor play area. They develop an awareness of safety through regularly practising emergency evacuations. The children are supervised at all times, they are never left unattended and are never left alone with persons who have not been vetted. The system for managing access to the building is good and unauthorised persons are unable to gain entry. However, the nursery do not have a signing in procedure of people who are visiting the nursery. Staff have a good understanding of child protection issues through having attended training, ensuring that children are protected and their well being is enhanced.

Helping children achieve well and enjoy what they do
The provision is satisfactory. Staff provide a suitable range of activities and play opportunities to foster most areas of children's development. Planning and children's assessments are used effectively to extend learning. Children take part in a range of sensory and creative experiences, such as baking, painting, collage work, water, sand and malleable materials. This develops their senses as they use their creative skills to make sense of the world around them. Activities and resources in the nursery are age specific for children attending and these are all easily accessible ensuring children have free choice, which promotes independence. The daily routine is varied and flexible with times for children to have snacks, meals, activities indoors, outdoors and time for rests. Younger children benefit from routines which are consistent with their experiences at home promoting their feelings of security and ensuring continuity of care.Children relate and play well with their peers and the children are happy and settled. The staff balance their time carefully to allow children to play and learn independently as well as giving time to support and encourage. The staff are interested in the children and value what they say and do, they respond enthusiastically giving praise and encouragement.

Helping children make a positive contribution
The provision is satisfactory. Children's awareness of diversity and respect for others is enhanced through a good range of resources to promote a positive awareness of the wider world. For example, staffing successfully reflects the cultural diversity and gender of the children. Equipment such as books, puzzles, dressing up clothes and small world toys positively reflect images of race, gender, culture and disability. Children are confident and happy in their environment. They are well mannered and are consistently praised during their time at nursery. The children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is effectively fostered.The quality of partnership with parents and carers is good. Parents are fully encouraged to share what they know and are effectively informed about their children's progress and achievements. They receive information about the provision. For example, welcome packs with information about the setting and the notice board is changed with news bulletins and what activities are provided on a weekly basis. They are greeted warmly and a detailed exchange of information about their child takes place with the key worker on a regular basis. The staff are proactive with regard to informing parents about their children's progress and achievements. The children's progress reports are available for parents to access independently.

The organisation is satisfactory. Most policies and procedures are appropriately written and shared with parents to promote the care, welfare and learning of the children. There are satisfactory systems in place to protect children from unvetted persons and a sound recruitment policy that ensures that staff understand and can carry out their roles and responsibilities. Staff are committed to training and have the opportunity to access a range of suitable training opportunities. They receive regular support from senior members of staff and suitable systems are in place to assess areas for further development. The environment for children is generally well organised and consequently the children are happy, settled and confident in their surroundings. Documents are stored in a locked cabinet in an office which ensures confidentiality and security. Overall, the provision meets the needs of the range of children for whom it provides.

Improvements since the last inspection
At the last inspection the nursery was asked to further develop ways to share information with parents, to improve the child protection policy and to enable children to access resources more easily. The nursery has a prospectus, a notice board displaying daily activities, daily routines sheets for babies and profiles on all the children. The nursery child protection policy has a written procedure to follow in the event of allegations of abuse or neglect. Children now have more opportunities to access resources independently. This ensures children and parents benefit from the improvements made.

Complaints since the last inspection
There have been no complaints made to Ofsted since the last inspection.The provider is required to keep a record of complaints made by parents, which they can see on request. The complaints record may contain complaints other than those made to Ofsted.

On the basis of the evidence collected on this inspection:
The quality and standards of the care are satisfactory. The registered person meets the National Standards for under 8s day care and childminding.

The quality and standards of the care
To improve the quality and standards of care further the registered person should take account of the following recommendation(s):
ensure parents give prior written permission to administer any medication
ensure a record is kept in the nursery of all visitors.

How we will look after your child

Here is a summary of our current nursery policies, beneath which you will find a full list of of all our current policies and procedures, which can be found on our website at
http://www.buildingblocksleeds.co.uk/. As far as possible, the same policies also apply to the playgroup.

The main doors will remain locked and are monitored by CCTV. Please ring the bell for entry. A keypad locked door secures the Nursery area. The outdoor play area is fenced. Staff give high regard to the safety and security of children, ensuring that procedures are carried out effectively. Good health and safety risk assessments are carried out regularly. Only adults who have been previously registered by the parents may collect children.

Record keeping
Records are kept of a child’s attendance, contact details, allergies and dietary requirements and of the administration of medicines.

Opening hours
Morning session 8a.m –1p.m
Afternoon session 1p.m –6p.m

Settling in period
We encourage parents to stay with their child for a short time on the first few visits to the Nursery until they are happy that their children have adjusted to their new carers and surroundings.

Absence and ill health
Please telephone the Nursery as soon as possible if your child will be absent. Children should be kept at home if they are suffering from any of the following conditions: diarrhoea, sickness, rash from unknown cause, eye infection. If a child becomes ill at Nursery, his/her parent will be contacted immediately.

Children who are on solids will be given light meals at breakfast and tea, with a hot meal provided at lunchtime. All dietary requirements will be registered with the staff and every effort will be made to cater for all requirements. Parents will be asked to provide bottles made up ready for thei
r baby. Drinks will be provided freely throughout the day.

All the staff at Building Blocks continuously reinforce positive boundaries and expectations. They give constant praise and encouragement, making children feel highly valued.

Please ensure that your child wears comfortable and practical clothing, suitable for a range of activities. Parents are asked to provide nappies for their children.

What we do in the nursery and the playgroup

Our nursery manager, Sam Withill, has a degree in childcare and two-thirds of our staff have attained at least Level 3 NVQ or equivalent childcare qualifications. Their first priority will be making sure that your child is happy and safe.

Your child will feel highly valued. The staff are careful to praise children for their achievements and good behaviour. Unacceptable behaviour is dealt with gently but firmly.

The nursery has good routines which help to break up the day and make sure your child will never feel restless or bored. There is plenty of equipment and toys which are both fun and educational, and there are plenty of opportunities – on fine days – for outdoor play in a safe environment.

In the playgroup staff will prepare a portfolio of photographs, samples of work and other information which you and your child can take with you when the time comes to start nursery school.

Good personal hygiene has a high priority for children and staff, and we make sure that all the food and drinks we offer are of the highest standard with no harmful additives or 'E' numbers.

Once he or she has settled in, we're sure that your child will feel that Building Blocks is like a home from home.

All about who we are

Remember the headlines in the newspapers about unqualified staff running nurseries? Well that's not a problem at Building Blocks!

Government research had found that just one in ten staff at private nurseries has a degree, although children do far better at nurseries with graduate staff. At Building Blocks, one in three of our staff has a degree, and two-thirds of our staff are trained to at least NVQ Level 3 in childcare.


Centre Manager
Helen Bishop

Nursery Manager
Samantha Withill

Nursery Nurses
Shamila Batool
Kerry Hedley
Sharon Johnson
Caroline Thompson

Nursery Assistants
Adele Feather
Maneer Farouq
Joanna Hedley
Nadia Kosar

All our staff in the nursery and playgroup actively promote equality of opportunity for all children. This is emphasised effectively through a range of resources and equipment. Everyone has undergone CRB checks for their suitability to work with children and the majority are qualified to a high standard in Childcare and in First Aid. All staff recognise the individual needs of children and work in partnership with parents to encourage children to reach their full potential, through a variety of play and learning activities. Staff are well organised, implementing good routines to ensure that children are settled and secure.

Building Blocks is a trading name of 'Faith Together in Leeds 11', a charity which has as one of its objects the provision of high quality childcare. We are Charity Number 1081006. We are also a not-for-profit Company registered in England and Wales, Number 3890863. Our registered office is: The Building Blocks Centre, Maud Avenue. Leeds, LS11 7DD. The charity was established in June 2000 and the Centre opened to the public in September 2003. Before that we were based at Trinity Methodist Church on Tempest Road.

What will it cost?

Please ask our Centre manager, Helen Bishop, for details about the cost and availability of places. You can email her at buildingblocksnursery @ gmail.com, phone her on 0113 270 8088 or call in to see her between 9am and 3pm when the Nursery is open.

Please Note: Depending on your income, up to 80% of these fees can be claimed back through the Working Families' Tax Credit* scheme. We are happy to help you fill in your Tax Credit claim form.

*Parents who are working for more than 16 hours per week may be eligible for Working Families Tax Credit. This entitles some families to claim back up to 80% of their childcare fees. The Tax Credit Helpline is 0845 300 3900. Our OFSTED registration number, which you will need to make your claim, is EY273298.

All sessions cost £5.65 per child and include light refreshments.

Career opportunities

We are expanding right now, so please watch this space.

How to contact us

If you would like to visit us at Building Blocks, please call in any time between 9am and 3pm between Mondays and Fridays, and our staff will be happy to show you around. The main doors are kept locked and are monitored by CCTV. Please ring the bell for entry.
Our postal address is:
The Building Blocks Centre
Maud Avenue
Leeds LS11 7DD

There are more details on our website, at www.buildingblocksleeds.co.uk